I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2012-12-30 23:51:55 i Allmänt,

Denna tiden pa aret ar extremt trakigt i Brisbane. Inte en manniska i stan da alla internationella har akt hem till sina lander och alla australiensare till sina stader (som oftast inte ar brisbane). Jag dor av uttrakighet. Dagarna blir mestadels en cykeltur (tog ju over Johnnys cykel nar han flyttade sa minb mya leksak och jag tar en 30-40km tur da och da, superkul!), lopning, stretching, yoga, en bok vid poolen, film och en och annan sallsynt kaffe eller kall juice da en kompis passerar forbi fran en stad till en annan. SKOJ.
Anyway, igar traffade jag en gammal traningskompis, Russell for en iskall vattenmelon drink och han berattade att nar han skulle ga ut med soporna hemma i sitt hus i Ashgrove sa lag den har lilla.....hmm..ormen och chillade i ett trad precis utanfor hans dorr. Visserligen inte giftig, men trots allt ca 2 meter lang :S Och hur laskigt det an kan verka, hur cool ar inte bilden!?
Har aven funderat pa o skaffa hund (JAG VET, ni behover inte saga det, eller ens tanka det). Finns manga for o nackdelar med det och jag tanker pa det konstant.
Binder upp sig
Kan inte spontant aka bort en weekend eller vecka (men hur ofta gor jag det??)
Kostnad att ta den med sig hem till sverige (kollat upp detta, ca 2000AUD for en hund under 10kg)
Valdigt manga boenden i Bris tillater inte hundar, sa kan bli problem om vi inte kan forlanga hyran sista aret.
All gladje en hund ger
Kan planera min egen tid sa kan jobba hemifran nar jag vill
Stor tradgard som vovvsen kan bo i (de flesta hundar i aus ar utomhus hundar och bor ofta utomhus) nar ingen ar hemma
Housemates kan hjalpa till (och vill ha vovvs med)
Sa. Tank om jag hade en liten jack russel * Tibetian spaniel cross som pa bilden ovan....<3
Fullvuxen och ser fortfarande ut som en bebis...


Publicerad 2012-12-23 04:27:06 i Allmänt,

It's done. One of my dreams since I first came to Australia. To walk the overland track in Tasmania (one of the top 5 walks in the world). In total, we (my friends Beau, Amber and tom) hiked 80.5km over 6 days. The last 29km were all done during the last day. It may not seem too much but remember that the hike goes over Cradle Mountains and sometimes (especially the some of the sidetracks) would take over 2 hrs to complete although they were only 2km.
During the first day, the only think I could think was "o gosh". My pack, which I will burn in the Brazilian BBQ in our backyard for being so bad, weight initially 16 kg. All foods were dehydrated and packed in zip lock bags, so you'd only have to add water to it. Also had a lot of chocolate, musli and protein bars, dried fruit and carrots.
About 20 min into the hike on day 1. Offered a steep uphill and sunshine.
Learned so much by doing the hike though. Just from mistakes and by observing others (only a maximum of 30 people can start the track during the same day during high season). We did see other people in the huts, but generally, during the walks, it wasn't too bad. Sometimes, we would walk a whole day without meeting anyone else.
I could keep writing forever about this incredible trip, but that might be boring. So I'm just gonna do a short version and upload some pictures.
Distance: 80.5km
Time: 6days (walking time ............)

1. Mine and Tom's side trip to Mt Ossa (Tasmanias highest peak of 1617m). Almost decided to skip this sidetrip as it was windy and pissing down, but decided to give it a go. After a few 100 meters up, it was pure blue sky, and amazingly beautiful. Think something in style with Granma's garden. Perfectly shaped flower arrengements (by nature itself ofcourse), birds and butterflies. Me and Tom felt as if we were the main characters in the sound of music. Getting closer to the top, we had snowfall in the middle of the aussie summer.
2. The waterfalls (especially D'Altons and Fergussons)
3. Tea and miso soup in the evenings.
4. Sunset at 9.30pm.
5. My winter gloves as I spontaniously invested in just before the shuttle bus took us up in the mountains. They saved my fingers more than once!
6. Baby joey in mums pocket.
Me next to Crater lake, day 1. A bit of board walk on the track, and Fergusson's waterfall (day 4).
Joey <3

Me and Tom singing the hills are alive to the sound of music on our way up to Mt Ossa, Tom rolling a snowball at the top, the peak just behind us, and me finding snow in the aussie summer.
One echidna, two wombats, numerous of wallabees and joeys and two extremely rare eastern quoll (also called native cat).
1. The second day of our hike, it was so windy and the rain was falling as never before. Freezing cold and three ours of pure hell.
2. Constantly wet socks and boots.
Drying socks and mobile phones in front of the heater (back in Lake St Claire), Me and Beau at the edge of forth valley lookout (day 3), Tasmanian waranth, miso soup time in the hut.
Weather and temperature:
Went through everything. Mainly rain, but also a few rare occasions of sun, wind, mus, hail and snow. Generally the T shifted between 5-25 degrees. One night (inside the hut) the T was down on 7 and even after putting all clothes on, it was still freezing.
Undefined waterfalls.
Group shot at Fergussons waterfall, an exhausted me somewhere 12km from the end of the journey, Beau, Amber and Tom and me washing my feet for the first time on day 4 ;)

On the suspension bridge over Narcissus river, Tom being crazy, Tom practicing his yoga and me taking a look of the forld from another perspective.
For next time:
Dont pack a bikini when hiking in tasmania during summer, bring more soup and tea, bring condensed milk, your feet will always be wet but they warm up after 20 min of hiking, a walking stick is essential, bring cards and a book.
Me and Amber at Marioons lookout.
Me holding on to a rock on the way op to the peak of Cradle Mountain.

As you understand. I can just go nuts with the pictures, there are so many and the journey was incredible. It sets your mind free and you can just be...
Back to civilazation, and after the first shower in 7 days, me and Tom are celebrating our achivements with a Ginger beer at the local pub (while Beau and Amber were lazy enough to catch the ferry the last 20km of the walk). 
What else can I say. If you ever get the chance....DO IT!


Publicerad 2012-12-22 11:20:09 i Allmänt,

Before I get into the fact that I've been away for holidays for one week (will upload pics next asap). COOPER AND JOHNNY ARE GONE =((((
They moved back to Ireland on the13th (same day as I took off for my little journey) and I just got back yesterday, without any wagging tail or smiling face to meet me in the doorway. Just silence=( 
43 spring street will never be the same. Johnny has been the best housemate ever and the fact that Coop is gone is ofcourse unbearable. Very tempted to get my own little pup... But we'll see I guess.


Publicerad 2012-12-04 21:59:59 i Allmänt,

Once again I am puppy sitting Tim as Linda's mum is visiting from Sweden and they went to Fraser Island. Coop and Tim loves eachother.... They share everything lol!
They do actually really like eachother but Coop is a bit selfish when it comes to sharing his toys and his water bowl. Such a funny facial expression!
One week till holidays. Can't believe how much I have to do before then and its not only work related stuff. As Johnnys is moving out we have had a million of houseinspections with the weirdest people you could imagin wanting the room. In all honesty, I think we went through about 15 people before we found our new guy. With that comeas a lot of cleaning up, I have to pack up as I am moving in to Johnnys room (bigger and has 2 windows rather than 1=)), transferring electricity bills etc etc. Also have work schedule filled from morning till late evening everyday until taking off. Packing for this trip is harder than any other trip as well as you have to be prepared for anything to happen! Rain, snow, leeches, 40 degrees and sunshine. I need a few extra days...
ohoo...yday was a bit hot:


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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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