I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2012-02-26 11:48:37 i Allmänt,

Busy birthday weekend this week. Started out on Saturday night with Ross turning 29:

Went to a fun Korean restaurant where you barbied your own meat/veggies for us "vegetarians" and moved on to a cooktail bar before walking home barefoot in the rain. Very sofisticated and nice.
Next up, Lucas 1st:
Beautiful Lucas has reached the important age of 1 year. Cutest baby ever! Lots and lots of brazilian delicious snacks (as his parents are brazilian) and sunshine.
Happy birthday singing in english and portuguese.
Afterwards, contributed with dots to a dot obsessed exhibition at GOMA in southbank (Yayoi Kusama) with my neighbour Omar.
And then went to a poesi team slam at the Jam Jar in west end where my other neighbour Alex was playing the guitar in the background for one of the slamers.
So. Pretty intense weekend although beach never happened due to massive rainfall and storm warning along the whole sunshine coast on saturday. Good times!


Publicerad 2012-02-23 22:27:59 i Allmänt,

Friday again! Its scary how fast the time goes. I'm not complaining though, very happy and welcoming the weekend as I'm going to the beach for the first time in ages!
Just wanted to actually dedicate this update to my awesome friend Jade who will shave her hed in a few weeks time to raise money for the leukaemia foundation:
Time for me to get in to work earlier than ever before to care for my rattis before further tutoring introduction.
Just to add some colors to the blog, this is my very beloved The tough spot gym where I spend many hours of the week doing crazy work outs that makes me wanna cry and laugh and love and hate at the same time:


Publicerad 2012-02-21 12:31:32 i Allmänt,

I doubt my phone camera has 8mpx as it says, but there you go. PS. Don't tell Ross, I made it for his bday!
Had about 4 hrs training to become a tutor today. Which means I will make some more money than the not very generous scholarship offer. So, now I will have to learn everything about heart sounds and blood pressure as I will be teaching a prac in that. Plus another prac in exercise which I feel more comfortable about. Great learning experience though. I'm very happy I got it!
Also, thanks a million Tina & Danne for Kalles randiga, for topping up my swebar and salty licuorice storage and for the lovely letter that showed up in my letterbox today. Lots and lots of love!

Quater of a century

Publicerad 2012-02-19 02:04:20 i Allmänt,

Hard to believe that this little girl has grown up t be a quater of a century old. I guess I reached the age when I can say "it was better in the good old days".
Birthday aussie time was on Friday. Work work and I successfully flushed an oviduct of a rat in only like 5 min. (I guess I haven't yet told you about my frustration when first learning the technique. Marie (a lady that is helping me with collecting the embryos) showed me how to disect out the uterus and the oviduct from the rat. Then, you have to put it under a stereomicroscope and magnify it like 40 times. So you are starring in front of you but working with your hands below you, using a miniature foreceps and a flushing needle. And Marie basically told me "find the opening of the oviduct, stick the needle inside and flush it). Worth mentioning, the oviduct of a rat looks like a ball of thread and this is to be done with super small instruments under a microscope. I spend 9hrs on Mon and Tues just looking for the damn opening but couldn't find it. So you can imagine my happiness on Friday when, after just 2 min it appeared to me what I was actually looking for!) Anyway. So. Big smile. And then my workmates (who knows me too well) celebrated me with a big fruit plate instead of a cake.
And gran called from Sweden! Made my day. She was so amazed that she could actually dial the numbers and talk to me when I was on the other side of the wold, feet in the pool in southbank, 30 degrees and evening, while she had minus 10 and morning in sweden. I actually think she forgot to say "happy bday" due to that excitement. Too cute.
Yday. Spend 4hrs in the morning making cinamon buns, chocolate balls, bread, pumpkin/pasta sallad, french potatosallad, hommus, punch, fruit and veggie plates etc for a bbq at mine. Was really great, excet the gas for the bbq ran out in 5 min and we ended up having to cook in a frying pan. But had abt 20 people at mine to celebrate so it was really a good 25th bday!


Publicerad 2012-02-12 13:20:48 i Allmänt,

Guess I am the first Swedish occupying myself with Aboriginal art. Maybe Australian immigration will be nicer to be after this.
Now I understand how the aboriginal art can be so expensive as well. This picture (which is just about the size of a normal postcard) took me about 10hrs to finish. Huh!


Publicerad 2012-02-09 23:21:54 i Allmänt,

Got a bit tired of my grey city and painted something more colourful last night.


Publicerad 2012-02-09 11:17:31 i Allmänt,

...Swedish visitors arriving to Australia on Valentines day to sing "It must have been love, but its over now". What a perfect day for that lyric! All heart broken singles will def know that they are lonely on Valentines day huh! Good timing...
Anyway. Guess it's been a while since I wrote. I am keeping myself busy with rats, work, writing abstract for a conference in Newcastle in March, painting, yoga and TRX and kettlebell tabata classes. Pretty good. It takes my restless mind off things that I shouldn't been thinking of and it gives me something to do with all my spare time which is good. I hate spare time. Even 5 min is too much for my restless soul.
AND. Do you think Australia let me sign up for the phone I wanted? Although I had, according to my friend, the strongest application for an international that he had ever seen. Ofcourse I wasn't allowed to! Australia, you suck! I had to buy my phone handset instead, HTC incredible S. Good thing though, I am not on a plan and I'm never gonna pay for Optus or Virgin again since they are so mean to international students. So I have now signes up for another company and I got a new number. It's not in use just yet but hopefully my sim card will arrive tomorrow!! Will keep my old number for a few weeks but will gradually stop using it. So take a note of my new one, that hopefully will be in use this weekend!


Publicerad 2012-02-05 05:52:56 i Allmänt,

Finally found a way to relax. Or two ways actually...
Painted for about 5 hrs this sunday morning without notice the fact that 5hrs actually past. Good investment of me to visit west end art shop yesterday and buy a whole lot of acrylic paint and canvases!
And already looking forward to Monday mornings yoga class. I guess the West end life style have had some sort of impact on me. Remind me to move on to a new environment the day I start to think about dreadlocks!


Publicerad 2012-02-03 12:30:22 i Allmänt,

Package from Sweden, ginger bread protein bars, Kalles and Läkerol. What more can you wish for on a Friday evening!
Thanks a million parents! (Guess the tull let Kalles slip through, good to know=))


Publicerad 2012-02-01 09:11:41 i Allmänt,

Keeping myself updated on the Swedish news at least a few times a week when drinking my morning coffee. Typical Swedish behaviour that needs to be emphasized in Swedish media.
Later the same day, my housemate B continues to be a horrible person and complain about everything me and Ian do or don't do. Complaining about "his fridge etc" to an extent that made me wanna buy my own fridge. So I go online on gumtree (Australian blocket) to search for Fridges for sale and this very peculiar ad comes up as the first hit:
Like I said....peculiar...
It's now 6.15, in an hour, me and my neighbour Alex are going to trial a TRX crazy gym class at the tough spot. I am siked!


Min profilbild


Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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