I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.

Summer times

Publicerad 2014-07-25 08:30:40 i Allmänt,

Sweden is offering perfect summer weather with sunshine and great activities. During the last day in Gothenburg, I finally got to meet sis horse miramis. Such a beautie:) 
Yesterday, I rode 50km on my bike in Kalmar, and me and A took the boat to the habour for a coffee, and swum in the middle of the sea, all before work :) 
Finally, using the freedom a car is offering, I drove out to my Favourite baby to celebrate her 1st birthday. Great times! 


Publicerad 2014-07-23 14:34:51 i Allmänt,

First race in Sweden done and dusted. Gothenburg triathlon was indeed a very nice race. The organization was however very different to what I am used to but a very friendly local triathlon on the countryside of Gothenburg. Water temp was just above 19 degrees and the water nice and non-salty =) Here is the swim exit. 
I only had a week or so to prep for this race with 6 weeks off the bike. Normally, I would have done 6 weeks hard training and one week off. But well rested, I suppose, I was very pleased with my race:
Swim: 515m 8.24 (5/63 females)
T1: 41 sec (1/63)
Bike: 20km 32.54 (2/63)
T2: 36 sec (4/63)
Run: 22.37 (5/63)
TOTAL TIME: 1.05.10 3rd place of 63 females, or 2 place AG
In all honesty, I have never raced a tougher race. I had no idea the run was a trail run and had not prepared for this at all. Gothenburg is much hillier than the Eastcoast where I normally train so this was a little hint I should probably try to get some hill sprint sessions scheduled in.
Family G and Erik was great support during the race. It's so nice to have some familar faces screaming at you along the way =)
One medal richer and happy to have been fighting so much for a 3rd overall and 2nd place in my age group. Means that there are some great girls out there and that I can't slack off from my training =)

Back on track

Publicerad 2014-07-14 18:31:35 i Allmänt,

So good to be back on the bike again. Unfortunately there are not to many good routes in Stockholm and lots of traffic. On the bright side, the roads are usually very well maintained and flat, which is good for speed work but not for strength. If anyone knows about good cycling routes or any hidden mountain in the Stockholm area. 
Towards ekerö
Todays ride, at lövstaklipporna 

So with 6 weeks of no cycling. I now have 1 week to prep for Gothenburg triathlon. Time to get serious! 

Summer times

Publicerad 2014-07-09 17:45:15 i Allmänt,

Celebrating Andreas on his 27th with lchf-BBQ after a few hours on the sea. Unfortunately, I've cought the Swedish bug, the one that makes you sick from an evil combo of jetlag and other people being sick. Not nice. Better recover soon. 

Väder och vind

Publicerad 2014-07-06 17:50:08 i Allmänt,

Testar att blogga från mobilen för första gången här. Får väl erkänna att jag som varit Apple iPhone bakåtsträvare så länge faktiskt har blivit omvänd. Mycket nöjd med min nya telefon. 

I förrgår var vi o kolla på agility på fredrikskans där en jättestor tävling hölls, faktist jättekul att titta på. 

Annars har det blivit mycket tid vid sjöboden och på Öland under min invänjningsperiod i Sverige. Långa ljusa kvällar och en hiskeligt massa prat om väder. Vore nice om svenskarna kunde införa lite nya samtalsämnen även om solen skiner. Eller om det regnar. Eller är disigt. Jag vill aldrig mer prata om väder! 


Publicerad 2014-07-03 16:57:56 i Allmänt,

Spent a few days in my besties house on the Swedish countryside. Best thing was that she let me do a mohawk and draw eyebrows on her soon to be 1yo baby girl =D If you have a baby, you should really try this. For inspiration, google eybrows on babies and/or dogs. Heaps of entertainment!


Min profilbild


Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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