Riding bareback on a very fat Nina. That's life yeah!
Half way through my 5th trailride, in the front on Tara. She is nice but not at all like my beloved Paddy. I managed to put my sis on the stables most crazy horse, Dartagnan, I dont know whether she hates me or love me for it!
Yesterday, we had an amazing canter through the lake. We all got completely soaked but the sun dried us up a bit afterwards. Best lake crossing since I got here! I couldn't see anything at all for all the water I had in my eyes. Love it!
'This week's group is very nice. Two swedish girls, two canadian ladies, one swiss and one german. Big girly group, I haven't been laughing so much in a while so Fi was very lucky not to have any complaining people from Jönköping joining the group. All good!
On Sat, I will have a week off but Ro just told me she couldn't go road tripping anymore. Grrrr! My plans are sort of completely ruined but I'll figure something out. Im sure I'll manage!