I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.

26/3 Saturday

Publicerad 2011-03-30 16:42:15 i Allmänt,

My whole body is screaming for exercise. Very loudly! Gaah!
Tried to do some push ups in my bed before my now 2 slices of untoasted rat nibbled toast. Didnt go very well since the matress was to soft. But still. Gotta try it! I thought being in Africa would make me loose a few kilos, but I think it will turn out the other way around. From eating nothing but carbs and fat. It surprises me to see the very high percentage of overweight, especially amongst middle aged women. I know the HIV treatment sometimes makes people add weight, but that would still only explain a small percentage. The rest is prob explained by poor nutrition and total lack of exercise.
I told Hatibu about my ideas from yesterday when he eventually turned up an hour late to our meeting. He seemed happy abt me doing these stuff. I also asked him how much the group got for having me there, saying I payed abt 10-12000 sek to the organisation. I woud have thought they got at least something, that we could use for transport and getting around etc. But he said they got nothing at all. Will never do any form of volonteering this way ever again. The money ends up in the wrong hands. I feel like someone just cheated on me! Grrr! I basically paid all these money for getting a contact, Gizelle, which I havent really heard anything from the last 3 weeks (although She is amazing!). I could have done that myself and paid 10000Tsh (abt 60 sek) per week to any african family for food and accomodation. And to be honest. There is not really any project around here. Its a good idea, but like I said before, its more of a vision which will just die as soon as I leave (in case noone else comes down to take over). I learned a lot, but mainly by observing and talking to people. The hole project was already set to fail, since the group didnt get back to the companies, who all set their budget in the beginning of this year.
Time is to valuable to waste. I need to re schedule.
Add to this. Im sick. I dont think its malaria cause my fever isnt that high and it would be a joke if any of the 2 mozzie bites I ot so far would have come from a female malaria positive mozzie.


Postat av: ?

Publicerad 2011-03-31 13:24:35

Are you really surprised about that the projects don’t get any money from the organization in Sweden? That kind of organization is just a way to get money from blue eyed Swedes. And when blue eyes are in Africa the citizens of the country uses it to get even more money to bus tickets, food etc. to get them through the day. That’s one of the worst ways to help a developing country. They need help to build a society with sound economy based on their culture and within their country’s bounds of possibility. They don’t need money to help them through one day. That only makes their need of assistance greater from developed nations.

Postat av: em

Publicerad 2011-04-03 16:43:19

First: I am not here with a swedish organisation

Second: I am not surprised they didnt give them a huge amount of money but I thought they would have get money enough for us to get around, like, transport etc.

Third> I know money is not the way of solving the problem and that is the reason I am here, offering my workforce and knowledge instead of giving them thousands of dollars. The whole project is set up that way. Problem is not the money, problem is lack of work.

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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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