I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.

29/3 Tuesday (catching up!)

Publicerad 2011-03-31 12:03:18 i Allmänt,

When things cant really get worse, Salome told me I had to share my bed with one of her massive 'sisters'. As sharing room with a witch for one week wasnt bad enough. I guess this is just the African way of doing it, but with high fever and bad cold, I wasnt really up for having a snoaring (barba pappa) like lady next to me, talking more than half of the bed. BUT. What doesnt kill you makes a good story. Right!?
Woke up and still felt like shit, but managed to make it to the clinic to Meet Ahmed. Had to leave without breakie, since Salome was still asleep. But got some chapatii on the way, which is prob better than rat nibbled toast anyway!
Me and Ahmed walked to Mwananyamala kinondoni where AMREF (a swedish embassy funded organisation) had put up a show in pretty much the same purpose as the Tandale group wants to do and parts of the group were performing. I was randombly handed someones kid when her mum went up on the stage. Poor little girl haha. After been touching every part of my face, she decided that I wasnt very familiar with my white skin. And so she started to scream. 'Pole pole', hell yeah! Got to use my not very sufficient swahili to the poor kid. A nice muslim lady next to me luckily saved me after a bit of screaming.
Food packages were handed out at the festival and the kids went nuts! They must have been so hungry! The staff tried to give be a package and got upset every time I passed it over to a kid closeby. So eventually, I kept one and gave it to a little girl when they werent looking. They all needed it so much more than I did anyway.
Waiting to meet up with Gizelle and talk about my situation here. My plan is to leave on Monday, since there are no flights to Saadani during the rest of the week and I wanted to make a stop there on my way to the orphanage in Arusha. The organisation still hasnt got back to me abt this. Hmmm... Well.
My internet time is running out and Im gonna go food searhing! Laters!


Postat av: Amanda

Publicerad 2011-03-31 14:59:02

Hej, tack för alla härliga reflektioner i dina inlägg, det är klart att det känns frustrerande att man inte ska kunna åka genom en volontärorganisation, som dessutom tar rejält betalt för det, och få göra det man vill, men afrika väntar ju på dig nu så det kan bara bli bättre. Kram

Postat av: Sis

Publicerad 2011-03-31 21:58:34

Ems, du borde inte äta bröd som råttor har ätit, nu har du garanterat fått råttinfluensan! Ska du lämna stället i förtid??

Postat av: em

Publicerad 2011-04-01 11:07:52

an sa lange lever jag! Yes, sticker pa mandag, ska lagga min tid och energi pa annat mer vaderfullt dar jag kan gora lite nytta!

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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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