I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2012-03-30 23:52:17 i Allmänt,

Ever since Monday, I have wished for this week to be over.
- Finally Friday and weekend! said a random lady in the elevator yesterday.
- Yep, for some, others have to work no matter day of the week it is.
So. Got up at 6am yet another day. Market done, waiting for my Saturday caveman class to start and then straight to uni to take care of my rats and catch up on about one million hours of work that didn't get done during the week.
bam bam bam! MOVING OUT!
This is the happiest situation of me living in my old house. To move out and never have to speak to my %#¤&(/% housemate ever again. Will post photos when I'm settled in, but only one word can describe my new house: Amazing!


Publicerad 2012-03-25 13:21:42 i Allmänt,

Finally left Brisbane for the first time in about 2 months as my supervisor was covering for me at work. Spend it in Lamington national park, Binna burra section, on a 21km/7-8hrs hike around Ships Stern Circuit with my two workmates Reetu and Karrona. Here are some pictures:

Ballanjui falls

Yep. Nature is pretty spectacular. This beautiful rainbow was what we earned after 5hrs walking in mud, rain, me almost stepping on three snakes and tumbled over 2 wallabies. What a beautiful beautiful day! I can stand some more weeks in the city now when my i have been boosted up with green leafes and wildlife. Tonight, I will have to make my final decision to accept or decline an offer to move in to an awesome house as well. Will let you know as soon as I know!


Publicerad 2012-03-20 02:21:09 i Allmänt,

Finally, Lee's and Nat's son Bertie has grown big enough to wear the Swedish outfit I gave him when he was born =)) I guess I misinterpreted his birth size a bit...


Publicerad 2012-03-18 12:50:03 i Allmänt,

My first conference. I am so relieved it is over! According to my lab members I did pretty well but I don't think I've ever been so nervous presenting in front of a group before. I suppose because this was a pretty damn important group. I started off pretty well, and then, a few slides in to my presentation it sort of hit me for whom I was presenting. A lot of BIG names in the area of fetal programming and people I am referring to in my proposal. Would have been interesting to have a blood pressure measurement on then huh.
Anyway. Milestone.
Scientists are hard to mingle with. 
- So, what is your research about?
- Ohh, its about this enzyme called sdgf4y87t534jkgdf7 which has an important role in the pathway of ????????.
- Oh, how interesting (NOT), why dont you tell me a bit more about that (although I'd rather go talk to a wall instead). *smiling*
Weird. interesting. Weekend.
The hotel we stayed at was pretty amazing anyway. Nice view if not:

Afterwards, I went straight to a St Patricks party hosted by the Irish fairy Molly in West end:

And Sunday rained away as my rare free weekend days tend to do nowadays. Shopping at DFO it was. Three pair of sunglasses that hopefully will sustain me until June when I'm going home, an awesome dress for 10 dollars, new sports top and a pair of very serious black conference shoes for my next important PhD event. Good day! Think I deserve a few hours of sleep now before the next week kicks off!


Publicerad 2012-03-15 08:09:06 i Allmänt,

How many adult points do I get for presenting at a conference in fetal programming in Newcastle on Saturday?? Must be quite a lot. I have to admit I'm quite nervous. It's gonna be little Em in front of all these big and acknowledged professors huh. I better not think about that. I'd rather just keep practicing for my teddy bear seal Burleigh, dog Snuff and the nameless rat that are facing me right now, spread out in my bed. They are being very nice to me and asks no questions. 
Cross your fingers. Plane is leaving 6.30 tomw. Back again on Saturday evening so I need you to keep fingers crossed until then and wish me good luck!
One hour destress with yoga waiting!


Publicerad 2012-03-11 11:15:47 i Allmänt,

My social life is pretty much non existing due to 30 rats and 8 unexpected rat babies from a non mated lady. The rat babies are adorable though, so I dn't mind. Question is did she get pregnant? Virgin birth? huh!
Anyway, saturday was spent at uni. Sunday as well, most of the day. However I did take some time to attend Jade's BBQ/going blond party to raise some more money for the leukemia foundation. She has raised more than 5000AUD during the last few weeks, which is amazing! And decided to go blond/pinkish before she is shaving her head on Wed:


Publicerad 2012-03-02 08:59:22 i Allmänt,

Managed to catch some horrible flu from my office. They have all been sick 2-3 times each and spirulina (I am convinced) has saved me 3 times. My very bad immune system coulnd't fight another flu though so I've been in bed from Tuesday until today (should probably have stayed another day but my demanding rats needed me, and I missed them so I actually went to work. And. (Wohoo!) My first two rattis have been allocated an ethanol diet and are now celebrating Friday afternoon with alcoholic beverages. Which means I'll have to work the whole weekend as well. But, I don't mind, as long as they bring me some results! Exciting!
For my few days in bed, the the wonderful dogs Snuff (teddy) and Snuffy (neighbour dog) have kept me company in my room. Highly appreciated!
And my diet has consisted of:
Plus almost all salty liqurice that Tina and Danne sent over for my birthday. Time to get better though. I cannot stand another day without training!


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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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