Managed to catch some horrible flu from my office. They have all been sick 2-3 times each and spirulina (I am convinced) has saved me 3 times. My very bad immune system coulnd't fight another flu though so I've been in bed from Tuesday until today (should probably have stayed another day but my demanding rats needed me, and I missed them so I actually went to work. And. (Wohoo!) My first two rattis have been allocated an ethanol diet and are now celebrating Friday afternoon with alcoholic beverages. Which means I'll have to work the whole weekend as well. But, I don't mind, as long as they bring me some results! Exciting!
For my few days in bed, the the wonderful dogs Snuff (teddy) and Snuffy (neighbour dog) have kept me company in my room. Highly appreciated!
And my diet has consisted of:
Plus almost all salty liqurice that Tina and Danne sent over for my birthday. Time to get better though. I cannot stand another day without training!