I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2012-10-28 00:34:40 i Allmänt,

Last weekend, Cooper learnt how to sprint jump into the pool. And since then. He has basically played around like a seal in the water. During his first year on Earth, he was refusing to get into the pool himself and would only ever get in if he fell in (which happened quite often) or if any of us would carry him in. He sort of seemed to enjoy it whilst in though. However, last weekend, he found out how to get in himself and went in and out repeatedly. Only in order to be able to sprint from a long distance and land on his belly with a splash. 
I can't believe that Coopa is gonna leave me in 6 weeks. Moving back to Ireland. He is like the biggest love of my life. I need to get a new dog... =(


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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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