This may have been the longest and worst travel for me. And I have travelled between Australia and Sweden 5 times...
Had a few great days in Oz before I left. Great but stressful. Packed last minute, cleaned up my room and packed all my stuff as I found someone to rent it short term. Almost brought Zelli with me as well. Also went full out on training sessions with friends, celebrated Jamie's PhD graduation and (almost) submitted my first paper.
Then took off. I though I had to wait 8 hrs in Spore but it turned out to be only 3. On the other hand, I had to wait 7hrs in Frankfurt. Ive only been to Frankfurt airport once and that was 10 years ago. Nothing has happened. It was one of the most boring airports ever, even worse than Helsinki. For the flight, I had booked GF/veggie food which had got lost in the system so although the first lady was very helpful and found me some food, I hardly couldnt eat anything from Spore and onwards. (Not even in Frankfurt as everything was closed or inside the gates I couldnt access). Anyway, I managed to sleep quite a bit so wasn't too hungry.
The most interesting thing with this flight however, was my feet. I would upload the pic but my phone doesnt allow me to transfer it. They were so swollen! I have never had swollen feet on a plane before, they looked hillarious! Couldn't even squeeze them into my flip flops without getting marks from the striped. So now, after finally locating my hotel (which believe it or not are smaller than my suitcase (except for the bed), which means I can't actually open my suitcase at all)...ive been lying with feet on the wall for abt an hour to get the blood down. Despite that, they still look swollen. Weird.
Anyway, Im struggling, gonna have a nap and then see if the police helicopters and 20 shielded policemen that were chasing someone outside (Bham repurtition true??) are done so I can go out and find some food.