I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2013-05-22 11:34:54 i Allmänt,

Wow, after being bed bound with man-flu and all for 4 days, I head back to work, only to get bitten by an upset lab rat! No offense, I totaly understand that he might be a bit upset after just getting a 3cm needle stuck in his abdomen with happy drugs. He, E.33.9, was half nibbling on my finger while the anaesthetics started to set in, and all of a sudden aggressively attacked it. Poor fella, he must have been quite confused. Anyway, it resulted in 2 hours of filling out work related injury forms, collecting signatures and then 1.5hrs at the uni doctor to get a tetanus boost. So now I should be covered for another 10 years. Convinient! 
Zelda has settled in nicely and just forced me to cuddle her for an entire movie. What do people do if not training? It's killing me not having been out on my bike for a whole week now! Gaaah! This cough better get better soon cause I cant stand another sleep in or another movie...


Postat av: P

Publicerad 2013-05-22 14:10:15

Just be glad it wasn't Zelda chewing on your finger!

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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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