Publicerad 2012-07-18 11:26:04 i Allmänt,
So. Back in Aus. Vad har hänt sen sist?
Var och supportade the reds, Brisbanes top lag i Rugby union.
Har once agan tagit mig uppför Brisbanes värsta bergstopp, Mt Tibrogargan en tidig söndags morgon.
På toppen med Beau, Doova, Silje och Soph.
Jag har puppy suttit detta monster....eeerrrrggg...
Jag menar...sötnos!
Och på det som hänt och som det inte finns bilder på:
- Firat Johnnys 28års dag. Han fick en swebar pepparkaka, en bok och ett får-suddigum (eftersom han är irländare)
- Jobbat som en tok med att starta upp min nya offspring cohort på labb. Vilket inkluderar att jag redan jobbat en helg av två.
- Sett QLD besegra NSW i state of origin för 7e året i rad.
- Cyklat över en spik som tog sig in på ena sidan och ut på andra (första cykelturen sen jag var tillbaka)
- Vart på West end Market två ggr.
- Nästan skrivit klart min proposal.
- Gjort 108 solhälsningar på power yoga i morse.
OCH Cooper har:
- Rivit sönder mina träningsbyxor.
- Nästan svalt en plastpåse.
- Ätit upp ett par av mina öronproppar varav den ena tydligen har kommit ut igen.
Ja. Det var väl i princip det. Jobbar mestadels. Jag har tre konferenser och min confirmation inom loppet av 8veckor. Så det är lite hektiskt till och med slutet av september. Sånt man får ta när man är doktorand! Nu ska jag kolla på 4e Ha
Publicerad 2012-07-15 11:20:52 i Allmänt,
So let's catch up with the pics from Sweden. Had a great time at home with friends and family.
Spatserade med Pappa i stockholms koloniområden
Var ute och seglade med Calle, Jonas och Stina i Kalmar.
Något som resulterade i att sjöräddningen fick komma och dra loss oss då vi gått på grund utanför Grimskär.
Firade midsommar med Calle och co på öland
Firat farmor födelsedag två månader för tidigt med en poster med hennes nya favoritlag hammarby. Hon tyckte att alla målvakterna kunde stå i mål om det var en viktig match. Hon noterade även att hennes plastblommor slagit knopp=)
Tog äen en "långpromenad" med tösen till brevlådan och tillbaka. Pappa hann fixa lunch in the meantime=)
Åt sushi på bryggan i sjöstan med Johannes
"Solat" med syster yster på Lövstaklipporna.
Hälsade på Gitta o Janne på landet.
Grillade med Tina
Firade Johannes 25års dag och hejjade på Hammarby!
Och såklart mer där till. Vart en underbar trip hem innan det bar av tillbaka till kalla viter Aus. Lyckligtvis tvingade mamma på mig en One-piece (äk Onzee i oz) som till synes gått och blivit stekhett i Svea. Något stekhett mode blir det nog inte down under i den bemärkelsen men håller mig varm om nätterna, det gör den definitivt!
Sen stod man där på Arlanda igen. Min lila fina väska gick sönder timmarna innan avgång i packnings-slutspurten. Så det blev ilfart till söndags-em öppna affär Coop för att inhandla en ny. Pappa went crazy med sveriges motorcykelförbund stickers på den så nu lär det väl inte vara någon som vågar sno den af!
Ganska up to date med info från hemma fronten. Lite nyheter från denna sidan världen som jag jobbar med att berätta så snart jag kan=)
Nu ska jag kolla på film med Cooper som jag har puppy suttit hla helgen då Johnny vart bortrest. Han ligger o sover och ser helt slutkörd ut efter vår promnad innan. Mkt nya intryck för vovven!
Publicerad 2012-07-05 13:03:27 i Allmänt,
I know! I have been terrible updating my blog and much have happended since the last time. First of all. I had 4 weeks of holiday and went to Singapore for my friend Nadya's wedding. Stayed with Carol and her beautiful family (as you know). Promised some pics from the singaporian trip so here they are:
Zahfran and Nadya
The wedding dinner
The people who studied in ausie group pic
On top of the marina bay
Also caught up with old Khew and his gfriend Gayle
Hanged out with Carols kids the whole days
Eating traditional kaya breakie (chineese)
And just acted typical asian.
Had a great time as I alway do in SIngapore. The people are just so friendly and I am happy to have 3 good friends to show me around there.
After Singapore, I went for 3.5 weeks holidays in Sweden, before returning to Aus. I would upload thoe pics as well ight now but it will be too much for you I think=)
I'm just gonna say for now, that I arrived back in time for the 3rd State of origin game and OMG what a game! Walking across the green bridge this morning however (as I hit a nail that went straight trough both the tube and the tyre of my bike yday BUUH!), people were celebrating the 7th Queenslander victory in a row:
(maroon is the quenslander colour for the state of origin rugny games) Oh how I love being a quenslander and not a new south walser!
Publicerad 2012-05-31 23:26:44 i Allmänt,
Bags are (finally) (almost) packed. Leaving to the airport very soon to fly off to Singapore once again. This time to witness the wedding between beautiful Nadya and Zhafran. Very very excited and have no idea what to expect for a singaporian-malay-wedding!
Time will tell.
And sweden, see you on Monday!
Publicerad 2012-05-27 23:50:35 i Allmänt,
Potluck euro pop night group shot. Cooper and 7 girls. Still, h is mainly intrested in the food =)
Great night. And wll done Sweden. I must say Sweden and Russia were my favourits and I really liked Denmark as well. Shame she didn't get more points. AND. I could not stop laughing when Ireland finished of their clatchy song with the hand through the hair and then up again. Tearing!
Europe was once again delivering!
Publicerad 2012-05-27 08:28:26 i Allmänt,
Waaaaa! I can't believe it is 4pm and I still have managed to avoid to find out who the winner in Eurovision 2012 is. I'm pretty proud of myself.
Today's PM at the lab, I just screamed out to everyone that if someone knows who the winner of eurovision is, don't tell me! And everyone went like "whats eurovision??"
Might have helped out a bit I guess...
So. The reason for having a Eurovision ladies night is because last Wednesday, QLD played NSW in the first game of State of Origin. My fever was still up a bit but watching it alone is not super tmepting so I messaged Rish who messaged back saying "Sorry Em, its state-of-origin-guys-night". Same reply from Tom. And I thought to myself that no one of my female friends would ever have a state-of-origin-ladies-night... So I created eurov. ladies night instead!
Unfortunately I will be the only European watching it with a bunch of Canadians, australians and Mauritiusans (are they called that??) but whatever!
Oh, ended up watching state of origin with Cooper in the couch (don't tell Johnny). Not as dressed up as last year, but still an awesome game!
State of origin in the supermarket.
Publicerad 2012-05-25 11:29:19 i Allmänt,
Just realized I never uploaded pictures of my new house. And since I have been cleaning the whole evening thanks to Coopers little surprise when I got home. (He had been alone inside the house for the second time and the disaster was not at all as bad as last time but since he made me start cleaning, I couldn't stop)
Coopers little surprise, greating me with the toilet brush, ripped toilet paper, my conditioner and ripped plastic bags and blankets. Happy Friday!
My room
Living room
My bathroom
The back balcony at night, cityview but it is hard to see on the pic...
That's the indoor pics. I'll have to take pictures of the garden and pool another time when it is not raining and not dark.
As for the updated. I am still sick. Have had fever 5 days with a massive headache. Still have to work every day so it is hard to recover.
7 breakfasts until flight to Spore an Sthlm!
Publicerad 2012-05-22 00:03:15 i Allmänt,
It has been a while again with no updates. I gues mainly because I am not doing as many interesting things that I used to. However last weekend was nice. Me, Ross, Amrish and Omar decided, as I had a weekend off, to get out of town for a while. So we drove interstate down to New south wales and broken heads for some camping. It is so easy to forget about the simple things in life sometimes. And it is nice to be reminded by the surrounding of nature. Everything tastes good while camping as you have to spend so much time preparing the food. Whatever you do, it is a little mission that brings you a little bit closer to nature.
Remote beaches in Broken heads
Playing retirement games (boules) in the sand with Em as a winner every second time!
Wine and chocolate in the sunset
At night, went down to one of the remote beaches and made an illegal fire to keep us warm in the Australian winter night.
African colours
Heating up on the beach the next morning. Wasn't too cold, still I woke up sick on Monday. Or rather, I slowly got sick on Monday and had to leave work early. Good that I had a placebo sick dog to take care of while watching swedish movies on my laptop for the rest of the day...
Publicerad 2012-05-05 09:54:21 i Allmänt,
I have really been a disaster updating my blog lately. I just have too much to do to squeez it in. Work is taking all my time and I recently finished 21 days straight before I had a weekend off. Ofcourse, my whole Saturday (last week) rained away as never before. Sunday wasn't great, but me Rish and Ross had decided to go back to Cedar creek to swim in the water holes again. Didn't really think of the previous day's rain and how it would stain the otherwise so clear water muddy and brown. Two old german tourists were admiring the waterhole when we arrived. After 2 hrs of driving to get there, you don't change your plans. We all jumped in with the old couple starring at us with wide open eyes, gasping. It was worth jumping into the brown ice cold water just to see the look on their faces!
As I said, work takes all my time and my new best friend is Danny's (my office neighbour)'s Nespresso machine with which I without wanting or trying to created this awesome coffee yesterday! Maybe I should become a Barrista instead...
Cooper is slowly recovering from his surgery as well. Problem is that his mind is recovering faster than his body. He is def the best housemate I ever had. Slightly in love...
(Oh, just had a look in my diary, landing on Swedish ground in 1month time. Wow, the time really goes fast!)
Publicerad 2012-04-26 12:51:15 i Allmänt,
Photographer's description:"My husband and I were exploring Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park-Canada when we stopped for a timed picture of the two of us. We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel appeared, became intriqued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot! A once in a lifetime moment! We were laughing about this little guy for days!!"
Just got to love it!
Publicerad 2012-04-15 12:58:13 i Allmänt,
I am still alive. But I don't know for how much longer. Have just finished my 7th day out of 21 (fulltime) in a row. It requires a few coffees to manage to do that. My rats are behaving. But on the wrong days. They always manage to get pregnant so their 20th day of pregnancy (when do I say this in a nice way....put them down to collect their fetuses) falls on a weekend. My success rate for E20 PM's on a weekend is greater than 80%. Weird. But it has to be done. If April would have had 31 days, my May weekends would have been a lot better than they are now as well. I guess I will have 1-3 days off before Sweden holidays in June.
Cooper and I cleaned the house when I got home. Most of what had to be cleaned away was his hair. But he didn't help much. Puppy attacked the vacuum cleaner frequently until I was done. Then he fell asleep in his froglet position outside my room.
It is hard not to love anyone as cute as this <3
Publicerad 2012-04-09 12:43:09 i Allmänt,
Waterhole weekend. First out on Friday. Cedar creek in Mt Tambourine. Can one swim there?
YES one can! This has been on my to-do list for a while, finally got around to do it!
Cedar creek was wonderful. Def going back as often as I can to this little hidden paradise.
As a matter of fact. Couldn't get enough of waterholes so Ross and I made another trip today to Mt Barney. Not with the intention to find a waterhole but to do a long hike. However, I can't say I got very dissapointed when we ended up here:
Sort of had to dive into the very refreshing water once again. However, as we didn't plan for a swim, not appropriate enough for photos. Instead, I'll show you this very cool tree that was growing on the cliffs next to it:
Easter weekend is over. I am exhausted but feel like I really used my last 4 days off as good as I possibly could. Now it is work at least 14 days non stop (possibly 21 depending on rats behaviour). Looking back on those memories. I think I can managed.
Happy easter to everyone at home. I hope you painted as many eggs as I did!
Publicerad 2012-04-08 22:49:42 i Allmänt,
Had a relaxing day on Caloundra beach with Ross and a book yesterday. Last day of easter break today. We have a mountain to climb!
Publicerad 2012-04-07 12:18:57 i Allmänt,
Cooper's first beach trip went to Bribie Island red beach where dogs are allowed. He instantly loved the ocean, although he was a bit scared of the waves at first.
Nice day. Can't describe how happy I am that Karen is covering for me this Easter weekend so that I can get some time off to relax and enjoy nature. Coming (at least) three weekends will be work work work!!
Took a 30min barefoot run on the beach. Basically no other people around as I reached the southern stretch of red beach. So nice!
Someone was pretty exhausted on the way back. Sleeping in the car all the way home!
Good times!
Publicerad 2012-04-04 06:17:51 i Allmänt,
Yep, there he is, my new love and awesome housemate. Already ate one of my indoor slippers, but just as I was about to get angry with him, he gave me the puppy eyes...<3
Isn't he adorable??
Publicerad 2012-03-30 23:52:17 i Allmänt,
Ever since Monday, I have wished for this week to be over.
- Finally Friday and weekend! said a random lady in the elevator yesterday.
- Yep, for some, others have to work no matter day of the week it is.
So. Got up at 6am yet another day. Market done, waiting for my Saturday caveman class to start and then straight to uni to take care of my rats and catch up on about one million hours of work that didn't get done during the week.
bam bam bam! MOVING OUT!
This is the happiest situation of me living in my old house. To move out and never have to speak to my %#¤&(/% housemate ever again. Will post photos when I'm settled in, but only one word can describe my new house: Amazing!
Publicerad 2012-03-25 13:21:42 i Allmänt,
Finally left Brisbane for the first time in about 2 months as my supervisor was covering for me at work. Spend it in Lamington national park, Binna burra section, on a 21km/7-8hrs hike around Ships Stern Circuit with my two workmates Reetu and Karrona. Here are some pictures:
Ballanjui falls
Yep. Nature is pretty spectacular. This beautiful rainbow was what we earned after 5hrs walking in mud, rain, me almost stepping on three snakes and tumbled over 2 wallabies. What a beautiful beautiful day! I can stand some more weeks in the city now when my i have been boosted up with green leafes and wildlife. Tonight, I will have to make my final decision to accept or decline an offer to move in to an awesome house as well. Will let you know as soon as I know!
Publicerad 2012-03-20 02:21:09 i Allmänt,
Finally, Lee's and Nat's son Bertie has grown big enough to wear the Swedish outfit I gave him when he was born =)) I guess I misinterpreted his birth size a bit...
Publicerad 2012-03-18 12:50:03 i Allmänt,
My first conference. I am so relieved it is over! According to my lab members I did pretty well but I don't think I've ever been so nervous presenting in front of a group before. I suppose because this was a pretty damn important group. I started off pretty well, and then, a few slides in to my presentation it sort of hit me for whom I was presenting. A lot of BIG names in the area of fetal programming and people I am referring to in my proposal. Would have been interesting to have a blood pressure measurement on then huh.
Anyway. Milestone.
Scientists are hard to mingle with.
- So, what is your research about?
- Ohh, its about this enzyme called sdgf4y87t534jkgdf7 which has an important role in the pathway of ????????.
- Oh, how interesting (NOT), why dont you tell me a bit more about that (although I'd rather go talk to a wall instead). *smiling*
Weird. interesting. Weekend.
The hotel we stayed at was pretty amazing anyway. Nice view if not:
Afterwards, I went straight to a St Patricks party hosted by the Irish fairy Molly in West end:
And Sunday rained away as my rare free weekend days tend to do nowadays. Shopping at DFO it was. Three pair of sunglasses that hopefully will sustain me until June when I'm going home, an awesome dress for 10 dollars, new sports top and a pair of very serious black conference shoes for my next important PhD event. Good day! Think I deserve a few hours of sleep now before the next week kicks off!
Publicerad 2012-03-15 08:09:06 i Allmänt,
How many adult points do I get for presenting at a conference in fetal programming in Newcastle on Saturday?? Must be quite a lot. I have to admit I'm quite nervous. It's gonna be little Em in front of all these big and acknowledged professors huh. I better not think about that. I'd rather just keep practicing for my teddy bear seal Burleigh, dog Snuff and the nameless rat that are facing me right now, spread out in my bed. They are being very nice to me and asks no questions.
Cross your fingers. Plane is leaving 6.30 tomw. Back again on Saturday evening so I need you to keep fingers crossed until then and wish me good luck!
One hour destress with yoga waiting!