I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2011-06-10 22:12:16 i Allmänt,

It's friday night. I have now been riding almost 200 km in Clare, western Ireland. Abt 6 hrs a day the last 6 days. My bum hurts! haha! Have been riding in pouring rain, bright sunshine, through mud and water and have had the most spectacular views you can ever imagine. Will share some of the pictures here:
My horse Victor, taking a break on the top of a mountain
Pretty ok view...
Friday morning when collecting the horses from the field...
The tower at the cliffs of Moher
The cliffs of Moher
The burren trail ride
A ferry tree. In Ireland, some trees are protected. Usually they are found on open fields with a little fence around to protect it from animals. It is believed that you'll get bad luck if you break a branch on it and it's good luck to tie something to it.
Crossing the lake. Highlight of the trip for everyone in the front haha!
Eating lunch in the trailer on Tuesday when we were riding 6 hrs in pouring rain! Lunch is always very much appreciated in the middle of the day.
Well. Internet here is not running very quick so that will have to be it for now. My first group of tourists have finished off and two of them were crying when we said goodbye so I guess we made a pretty good job=) Had an amazing group, all other people will have a hard time to beat these guys. There is a reputation that next group will consist of 6 asians. That could be...hmmm....interesting ha!
For now. I think its bedtime for me!


Postat av: pege

Publicerad 2011-06-11 01:07:49

Hahaa, nu vet jag. Du vill ju se och uppleva så mycket som möjligt och nu har du alltså kommit på att man kan åka till Irland och se allt i Dubbling!?

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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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