I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2014-05-29 03:49:04 i Allmänt,

So the first State of Origin game for the year took place in Brisbane yesterday. Sadly QLD lost against NSW (8-12). I was too tired after the first part of the game but was pretty clear that NSW was gonna win anyway, so I went to bed to the complaints from my flatmates. App, I'm a terrible supporter =) But I found it more important to get up at 5am today for SBTC sprint session. And I am happy I did =)
Here is a blurry lil Zel on her sprint session in Musgrave Park last night. No one loves a tennis ball like Zelda.


Publicerad 2014-05-27 01:00:53 i Allmänt,

This year has been one of the best in my life. I have met so many amazing people and had so many amazing adventures with the triathlon club and its definately one of the things I will miss the most with leaving Australia. I'm very happy to have some nice memories of this year to put on my wall at home. 
Australia is getting cold now. For your information, this is in fashion and I'll bring it home with me, don't care what you say!
Even lil Zel is cold and has to sleep with blankets (in my bed). She is undoubtably one of the hardest things I will leave behind. Love this little one to bits. 

So in exactly 3 weeks time today, I will be very close to the Northen hemisphere. I can't believe its almost been 5 years since I left Sweden and made Australia my second home. I remember going to the bank during my first week in Australia in 2009 and my bankman Allan asked how long I was staying in Australia. I said, I'll start with 6 months but probably a year. He laughed and said 'and you are Swedish? You will stay here for at least 5 years but probably for the rest of your life'. He was damn right that man! I may as well have stayed forever but am actually very excited about moving home. Trying to focus on work the remaining 3 weeks is hard. I just have no motivation and am running around packing, unpacking, packing differently, organizing stuff, selling stuff, catching up with friends, swimming etc.
Heat up Sweden for me so it is warm enough in 3 weeks time! I guess this is the next final countdown!


Publicerad 2014-05-14 11:33:34 i Allmänt,

The last two days in northen QLD was spent in Port Douglas and at Mt Hypipamee nationalpark.
View from our van the last two nights from our secret camping spot on the beach
Mt Hypipamee offered more water falls to add to the previous days. All just as spectacular. These are the dinner falls.
And they actually consisted of abt 6 different falls
The drive up to Port Douglas is a bit of a great ocean road.
View over the four mile beach
Gotta chose where to swim carefully..
That is basically it from the trip north. As these are all basically photos from my camera, I might add a few later on from D's camera to fullfill the story. 
But it was a great last adventure down under style. The only thing I could wish for would be that australia were more welcoming towards campers. It is indeed a beautiful country to explore and the best way to do it is from a campervan.
So I guess that means I have almost caught up with time. Dad is down exploring Tasmania by himself while I am working away. I was hoping to squeeze in a few training classes this week but believe it or not, got sick again. Ive been sick so many times this year I almost lost count. One of the great things with living in oz is that I have hardly been sick at all. Must be the stress of finishing off a PhD. Anyhow. I've decided to not be as slack as I have been with my foods etc and inspired by our German friend from the biodynamic café, I'll move as much as I can afford into a biodynamic and organic palio inspired triathlon lifestyle =)


Publicerad 2014-05-13 09:45:08 i Allmänt,

Day 5 - Water fall day
Day 5 consisted of a little waterfall circuit which overall included 7 different falls
Dad amazed by the Malanda falls
Ellinja falls
Me abt to have a swim in the most perfect waterfall I have ever seen - Millaa millaa falls
Millstream falls
On the road...Gotta watch out for both roos and kasowarys here..
Zillie falls
At the end of the day, we spontaniously ended up at a Rodeo in Ravenshoe. Unfortunately, it was pretty dark and not very good conditions for amazing photo opporunities. However, on the way out to the rodeo, road signs adviced to watch out for bulls big enough to tip your car over =S
The only decent photo we managed to take. 
It was freezing cold the entire evening and night. Being at a Rodeo is like stepping into a movie. I just find it hard to believe that it is for real. Cowboys and girls in all sizes (from babies to grans) its just amazing. Dad however reminded me that they would probably feel the same if the stepped in to triathlon settings.
I am not even going to give you a race report. I had the ride of my life at my last Australian triathlon in Byron bay on Saturday. Surviving the big swell, leaving the water as number 3 in my AG, I overtook the leader at 7km on the bike. For some incredibly stupid reason, I managed to screw up the ride and was convinced I was heading the wrong direction. A marschal lady basically confirmed this (although she was totally wrong), so I turned back, rode 2.5km and then realized by looking at the roadsigns that I had not at all been heading the wrong direction in the beginning. By then, my abt 4 min lead was gone and I turned back. Wasted 8 min on the bike (5km) and enetered transition where abt 10 bikes were racked already. The fact that I still came 4th in my age groiup, despite riding an extra 5 km may confirm that Im in good shape. But it didnt really make me happy in any way as I would have won female sprint overall (not just AG) if I wouldnt have done that stupid mistake. 
I will NEVER make that mistkae again, thats for sure!


Publicerad 2014-05-09 23:47:46 i Allmänt,

Day 4:
Although pictures happen to be uploaded in the wrong order, this day was quite relaxing and included a lazy morning at Tinaroo, relocation to the crater lake - Lake Eacham, which if I remember correct is around 70m deep and almost perfectly round. On our way there, we made a little stop at the most amazing tree I have ever seen in my life, Curtain Fig tree.I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Megs just came to collect me (now car-less person) for my last Australian triathlon down in byron bay.


Publicerad 2014-05-09 11:38:01 i Allmänt,

Still day 2:
After Mossman George, we were lucky enough to be able to visit Skybury Coffee plantation (which closed down the day after we were there). Unbeliavalbe that such beautiful pace would close down. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:
If I lived close enough to a place like this, I would drink my coffee there every morning.
Day 3:
Managed to find a free camping site outside Mareebe, which unfortunately was full of mozzies and to avoid getting eaten, we had to spend most of the time in the van. 
Also did a stop at Golden drop Mango winery and indulged in some mango wine tasting. However, those pictures are on dad's phone so can't show you. Can only say it tasted very good!
Continued to Davie's Creek national park. Went for a short little walk and swam in the beautiful and refreshing creek:
Dad in his antique bathers, which I forced him to in before the end of this trip!
Davies creek
We camped just meters from this wonderful creek. Shared a bottle of mangowine for dinner and woke early to give ourself enough time to walk the 5km to the start of the summit (required a 4WD), the 8km walk and the 5km back in the steaming hot sun.
Again, all the photos from that track is on dad's camera so will have to upload some later.

After we finished the walk, which inclided a steep incline to the very top, we were quite tired and very happy when we arrived to our next campsite: Lake Tinaroo Waterfront (Nationalpark)
In which no crocodils or stingers live, so I took my chance to do some triathlon training for upcoming race.
Our home
Day 4 is to be continued.

Just to catch up with whats going on here. I sold my car. In less than 24 hrs after posting it on car sales, I saw it leaving my drive way in a very sentimental stage. Selling the car was really the point of no return. Its like all of a sudden I've realized I am ACTUALLY moving home. And all those mixed emotions of sadness, happyness, excitement and worry are floating around. Just to mention. I think if my science career completely failes, I should become a salesman. I sold my Miss Mazda for the same price I bought it for 8 months ago. BAM!


Publicerad 2014-05-07 23:58:19 i Allmänt,

Landed in a cold Brisbane after 9 days up in the tropical north. I know I'm well behind with the blog so I'll have to catch up over the happenings. So let's take it from the beginning.
Rented a hippie campervan for dads bday and booked a flight to Cairns. Sadly, there is no 'Jantelag' in Australia and people are frankly quite negative to campers on the road. We struggled a bit in the beginning but got over it quite quickly when we learned more about it. Flight was delayed and we only just managed to collect the van before closing. Drove north and eventuallt found a what we thought was a hidden road and crashed. The following morning we made a quick and not very long lasting trip up to Daintree, only to turn around and end up in Mossman George. And that's where things started to look good:
Early morning on our way up to Daintree
Walking in the Mossman rainforest
Lots of trees and palm treesactually do want to kill you in Australia. These little spikes are very posiones. 
Mossman had a lot of stunning tree-formations.
More trees wants to kill you.
Swimming in the green water of Mossman George
No swimming on most places up north. It's either crocs or stingers.
Mossman was a great start to the trip. Could obviously post an album of pictures but this will have to to as a start!


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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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