I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2012-10-28 00:34:40 i Allmänt,

Last weekend, Cooper learnt how to sprint jump into the pool. And since then. He has basically played around like a seal in the water. During his first year on Earth, he was refusing to get into the pool himself and would only ever get in if he fell in (which happened quite often) or if any of us would carry him in. He sort of seemed to enjoy it whilst in though. However, last weekend, he found out how to get in himself and went in and out repeatedly. Only in order to be able to sprint from a long distance and land on his belly with a splash. 
I can't believe that Coopa is gonna leave me in 6 weeks. Moving back to Ireland. He is like the biggest love of my life. I need to get a new dog... =(


Publicerad 2012-10-25 23:21:44 i Allmänt,

Time flies hey!
Just realized that I have just filled another year downunder with adventures.
My first year may have been a bit more glamorous. But it's still downunder and I keep lovin it!


Publicerad 2012-10-23 23:30:20 i Allmänt,

Before you think this is too weird. It it. But it is also a world wide event. I saw some pictures from Stockholm zombie walk the other day that my friend forwarded to me so it's not only crazy australians who likes to dress up as dead people and then deadly walking around in the city in the most horror-movie movements.
Anyway, this is what it looked like when 5000 zombies entered Brisbane's streets on Saturday:
Yep. Pretty creepy. Me and Johnny were meant to just watch a movie later that night but felt that we got a big enough dose of both comedy and horror for the time being. It was actually scary! One dude scared the shit out of me when he jumped in front of my camera, roaring. I stumbled into Johnny who couldn't stop laughing. Entertaining. Whenever it happens in your city, go watch it!


Publicerad 2012-10-21 09:38:28 i Allmänt,

Had a very nice Saturday herding sheep with Linda and her little cuite Tim, 7 months old. She got him from this particular sheep dog farm on the countryside (although the wife in the family calls it "the city", as she originally lived in the desert up in Darwin). As old people like company the way they do, and as Les (the trainer) loves his dogs, they have basically invited Linda to come and train Tim whenever she wants. This adorable couple who have been married for 50 years are they cutest you can imagine. They will tell you the same story, at the same time, from their own perspective. So you have to be able to listen to two stories, told in a very broad Australian accent - at the same time. When this doesn't work. I guess it is enough to just smile and nod =)
Anyway, here are some pics from the so far hottest summer day of the season!
Tim is ready to hit the paddock! 
In the tea-break (which we had to accept 10 min into training), I fell in love with Maggie, Tims great-great granma (16 years old and still going strong)
Linda is doing a good job out there. Only fell over twice. Once when she backed over a sheep and once when a sheep ran into her. Very entertaining to watch =)


Publicerad 2012-10-19 23:56:00 i Allmänt,

Tog med mig 4 tuber från svea i juni. En per månad. Och nu har det nått sitt slut. Firade fredag kvällen med riskaka, kalles, ägg och avokado, efter att ha undervisat (min första gång som head tutor!!) i 6 timmar och rättat essays i 2 timmar. 
Idag (lördag) får jag af vara ledig och ska med Linda och hennes vov Tim ut till en farm och se på när hon tränar får-vallning med honom. Ska bli sjukt kul! 
OCH. Största nyheten av allt som betyder sjukt mkt för oss science-människor men kanske inte fullt lika mycket för er andra. Vi har fått funding!!! Alla Australiensiska "grants" släpptes igår och vi ansökte om ett för mitt projekt som nu har blivit rikt! Detta är sjukt bra nyheter då labbet vartit inne i en svacka och inte haft så mycket pengar senaste tiden. Så nu är det bara att ösa på med dyra experiment igen!
Sista platta tuben av kalles *hint hint*


Publicerad 2012-10-15 12:52:26 i Allmänt,

This little cheeky dog reminds me so much of Cooper. We just have to teach him how to do that smile and life will never ever be boring again!


Publicerad 2012-10-09 23:04:18 i Allmänt,

Warrie circuit for the second time in less than 3 months. This time with a bit more of wildlife. Spend some time posing with this python. And we also saw a snake lizard, of which I unfortunately did not get a picture of. But think something in style with...a short, fat, black snake - with legs and arms.
The rest of the weekend was mainly spent in the pool (as Sunday offered 35 degrees!!), in the yoga studio, at work and on a Canadian thanksgiving dinner with Laura and her bunch of Canadian friends.
So. Pretty decent weekend.


Publicerad 2012-10-06 00:22:52 i Allmänt,

I just Love the kookaburras!! This beautiful one was sitting outside my veranda the other morning, laughing and singing. Totally made my day!
A less awesome bird is the magpie who is attacking people all over the place. Especially cyclist. I have always laughed at people who are sticking sharp objects through their helmets, making them look like a hedgehog (accepted magpie protection). BUT. Believe it or not! Yesterday was the first time ever I got attacked by a magpie!! Sooo weired! Felt someone basically landing on my head while riding my bike to yoga class in the city. Took a while before I realized it was a magpie. Grrr! Just a light tough though, but you don't expect someone toughing your head when riding your bike. Maybe it's time for me to load up my helmet too soon...
Hiking time with Laura in Springbrook!


Publicerad 2012-10-02 23:07:10 i Allmänt,

When Soph was over for tea evening yesterday, this little creature came to join us <3
I have also become officially addicted to coffee. So many years of study and I've been fine. But now. If I don't get at least one coffee before 3pm, I get a headache which wont go away before I get any. And worst of all. I am spoiled as well! Before my addiction, I even preffered instant coffee. At this stage, I need either nespresso (thanks to Danny who brought a Nespresso machine into our office) with frothed milk OR exclusive Byron bay coffee from Black star. Not at all optimal for a PhD student with my salary. Lucky I got some cash back from my tax return application yesterday so I can be sustained in terms of star coffee.


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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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