I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2013-03-29 12:35:46 i Allmänt,

Svenska nyheter som circulerar med översättning och allt på mina australiensiska vänners facebook.


Publicerad 2013-03-24 21:46:34 i Allmänt,

Tänkte att ni kanske ville höra hur det gick?
Svaret är.....Fantastiskt bra!
Låg på mellan 4.50-5.05min per km och ben, knän och fokus var på topp de första 15. Och de enda 15 =((
För sedan vart det en cyklon med tornado regn som svepte över brisbane. Det blåste upp, började ösregna och hagla som aldrig förr. Blixtra och dundra och vägarna översvämmades. Under en sträcka på 40m hade jag vatten upp till knäna. Folk låg skadade utmed vägarna och de fick kalla in extra förstärkning av sjukvårdspersonal innan  halvmaran tillslut avslutatdes då en man blev träffad av ett träd. 
Vindarna nådde tydligen upp emot 100km/h enligt 
Så. Safety first. Sjukt besviken att inte få avsluta när allt kändes så bra men självklart rätt beslut (även om det förmodligen skulle tagits tidigare då eventet fortsatte ca 20min in i stormen, eller tills dess att någon skadades allvarligt). Nu hoppas vi att mannen som skadades klarar sig utan allvarliga men.


Publicerad 2013-03-23 11:27:05 i Allmänt,

Yesterday, my friend and workmate James officially earned his Dr title, which my supervisor thought was worth celebrating with a bit of champange. So she went to buy 6 bottles for our lab of like 10....
So at 2pm, everyone was happily tipsy and I still had work to finish off. Lovely afternoon. Straight home when work finally finished, shower, food and continued to a german bar to celebrate a friends citezenship w combined goodbye drinks for two friends leaving to Perth. 
Woke up slightly hangover...
Went to work on a saturday.
Went for an ocean swim water prac with Danny to Redcliff.
On the way home, Danny says. Oh, btw, I have an entry to the Brisbane Twilight run tomw. Its half a marathon but I can't run cuz I'm working so I thought you could race for me.
Oh, wait, did I say that? I've never run further than 16kms in my life.
So now I have an entry for a half marathon cat: male 30-39 at 5pm tomw.
Wish me good luck!


Publicerad 2013-03-18 23:01:27 i Allmänt,
This movie cracks me up! Watch it!
3 months ago, I used to be like her. Now. I am exactly like him!
How I love my little friend! <3
Went up to Mooloolaba this weekend to support my fellow southbankers in the second biggest triathlon in QLD. Unfortunately the race was sold out well before I even started with triathlon so I could only support and hold the camera. However, the event boosted my little triathlon brain with happiness and on the way back, my friend Danny feeded me with reasons as to why I should sign up for my first olympic. He even entered all my information for the registration of Byron bay olympic so all I had to do was to click "pay". Too easy. Way too easy!
Well. Simply. I entered two races in less than 5 min.
7th of April: Redcliff halv olympic
11th of May: Byron Bay olympic WITH OCEAN SWIM! (shit)
Challenge is ON!
Also, not racing means that you hold the camera. So here are some pics from a freakin hot triathlon:
Spanish Gomez heading towards the gold in the men elite
Happy st patricks day!
Annabell on her way to T2.
Time to hit the road hard.
Also, on this very special day, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my big-sis who is turning 28!
Celebrating this with a pic from iceland 2008. Have a lovely day sisssi!


Publicerad 2013-03-13 00:21:27 i Allmänt,

Close to the finish line!!
Sooo, app I did end up on a few pics even in this tri.
Next one will probably be Redcliffe 7th of April.
I think I've found a new addiction :S


Publicerad 2013-03-11 22:40:11 i Allmänt,

I haven't been sick since I last visited Sweden in June 2012. Pretty crap timing to catch a stubborn fever 2 days before my second triathlon. However, was only a fever.... I killed it as much as I could with various type of fever reducing pills and panodoils. 38.5 the night before the race...Down to 37.5 on race day. The problem with registering for a tri is that you don't get your money back if you don't participate. (I know, that is a terrible reason for racing while being sick) but I did. And despite the fever I felt ok on the day.

We had stayed the night in Tweed (NSW) so the drive to Kingscliff would only be 20 min, rather than 2hrs. Still had to get up at 4am and prepare transition. I only did the sprint distance, which was 940m swim (was meant to be 750, they seem to always get that wrong!), 20km bike and 5km run. Considering the circumstances, I suppose I did alright:

Time total: 1.30.18
Placement in my age group: 7 out of 17 (number 5 and 6 got in 20-30s before me, gaaahhhh!)
Placement female sprint: 23 out of 185
Swim 940m: 21.30 (against the current) Which was annoying saying everyone had told me the swim in kingscliff is always with the current. was for everyone who started 30min after us. Thanks tides!!
Bike: 43.32 (including T1 and T2 I suppose)
Run: 25.13
Gotta be happy with that!

If I happened to be caught on any pic, I will upload some when they are released!
Less happy am I about the fact that my very beloved friend Annabel has got a position in Sydney, which all happened very quickly, and has now moved there for work. It's so rarely you find someone so similar to yourself. Will miss you hun! Trips will be booked asap to Sydney, horseback riding adventures and triathlons interstate! xx
Time for me to make it into work for the first day in 4 days after my long fever weekend. Not looking forward to that!


Publicerad 2013-03-06 22:40:45 i Allmänt,

Just some more photos from the last event (better upload them now before the next event thats on this weekend). Happy winners of the club champ.
Chris and myself
A tiny bit of sunshine...
Adam, kellie, Kate and Ben
2000dollar bartab on our afterparty at the surfclub.
Anyway. Today is a very special day for me. Cuz I will finish off my 5th week in the hot room AND I will get 2 weeks of break from it!!! Which is super exciting! One week of no experiments after such long time is a pretty amazing feeling. Then one week DXA experiments and 2.5 more weeks in the hot room and IT'S DONE! Its a countdown going on here. I'm even thinking of taking tomorrow off to celebrate. Although the celebration would most likely include me passed out in bed trying to recover. We'll see.
Tim is staying here until Friday. Every afternoon when I got home from work I've had to re build the fence. He is too smart for his own best.
Further updates.
I have my Eurotrip booked. Not all of it, but most importantly, in and out of Europe. Roughly, this is my plan:
19th of July - Flying to Birmingham, UK
21-26th of July - IUPS conference in Birmingham
26th of July - Fly to Dublin and stay one day/night with Ro
27th of July - Bus to Donegal to see Johnny and COOPS!!!!
31st of July - fly to Stockholm
31st of July to 27th of Aug - undefined hanging around in Stockholm/Kalmar/Emmaboda
27th of Aug - Get myself to Berlin
30th of Aug - 4th of Sept - Conference in Leipzig
4th of Sept - Fly back to the land downunder

Upcoming tri this weekend. Hopfully it wont rain away!


Publicerad 2013-03-03 00:27:35 i Allmänt,

Regn regn regn. Alla mina träningskläder är blöta och torkar aldrig. Inte ens någon ide att torka något för allt blir blött på en gång. Baksidan är övervuxen, poolen översvämmad och igår fick jag bygga ett drainings system för gången/garaget på baksidan av huset som hade fyllt upp med vatten ca 10cm. Värst av allt. Det går inte att träningscykla i detta väder! GRRRR! Det går inte att planera över huvud taget. 
Överbevuxen baksida.
Snart kommer Linda över med Tim med som ska bo här i en vecka, och vi ska bygga upp ett staket i ösregnet för denna rymnings benägna hund så han kan vara ute i trädgården när jag jobbar.
Har även haft besök av en tysk tjej jag jobbade på Irland med och hennes pojkvän. Tanken var att de skulle stanna en dag till och sedan åka norrut, men med tanke på att hela QLD är i översvämningsfas igen tog de ett tidigt flyg ner till Melbourne eftersom att det var det enda stället solen sken på. 
Har nyss vart ute på en 8kmare i ösregn eftersom jag inte kunde cykla i morse. Annabell o jag hade planerat en 80km cyklingtur som jag verkligen såg fram emot. Men vädergudarna ville tydligen inte att vi skulle cykla så långt. Så nu sitter jag här med mina recovery compressions och dricker kaffe på balkongen i väntan på Linda och Tim.
Nya modet?? Bring it to Sweden!


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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.

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