I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.


Publicerad 2012-05-27 08:28:26 i Allmänt,

Waaaaa! I can't believe it is 4pm and I still have managed to avoid to find out who the winner in Eurovision 2012 is. I'm pretty proud of myself. 
Today's PM at the lab, I just screamed out to everyone that if someone knows who the winner of eurovision is, don't tell me! And everyone went like "whats eurovision??" 
Might have helped out a bit I guess...
So. The reason for having a Eurovision ladies night is because last Wednesday, QLD played NSW in the first game of State of Origin. My fever was still up a bit but watching it alone is not super tmepting so I messaged Rish who messaged back saying "Sorry Em, its state-of-origin-guys-night". Same reply from Tom. And I thought to myself that no one of my female friends would ever have a state-of-origin-ladies-night... So I created eurov. ladies night instead!
Unfortunately I will be the only European watching it with a bunch of Canadians, australians and Mauritiusans (are they called that??) but whatever!
Oh, ended up watching state of origin with Cooper in the couch (don't tell Johnny). Not as dressed up as last year, but still an awesome game!
State of origin in the supermarket.


Postat av: Sis

Publicerad 2012-05-27 09:42:25

Ha så trevligt, jag såg det igår. :-D

De ryska damerna är fantastiskt söta, och ginas kommentar när de börjar sjunga är nästan ännu bättre!

"Det är alltså en bakugn och inte ett krematorium de har på scenen... "

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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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