I started this blog when I first went on an exchange to Brisbane, Australia. During that experience, I discovered my love for culture, travelling and adventures. This blog has followed me since and been my forum for pictures and stories from Tanzania, South Africa, Ireland, Fiji, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe etc.

SWEDISH TO ENGLISH - word by word

Publicerad 2013-06-27 11:31:38 i Allmänt,

Sometimes, when translating word by word from swedish to english, things sort of looses its meaning. I love expressions like that though and have collected them for a little while.
Here are some of my favourites:

Träsmak i ändan word by word becomes Wood taste in the bum.
We use it when we have been sitting down for too long, eg. Oh, I have to get up, I'm starting to get wood taste in my bum! Funny!
Jordgubbar (=strawberries) but becomes little earthmen when translating word by word.

Visa framfötterna becomes Show your front feet
Used when showing of ones talent, eg at work, Get up there and show your front feet!
För allt smör i Småland (=for all the butter in Småland (a Swedish district)) is used when there is something you wouldn't do in a million years.
Eg. I wouldn't do that for all the butter in Småland!
Is i magen (=ice in the stomach) means you are very calm.
Smaken är som baken - delad! (=taste is like a butt - divided!) 
Essentially means “Oh, it’s a matter of taste…” or “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…”
Köpa grisen i säcken = Buy the pig in the sack
Is used when you are buying something you haven't seen yet and it's often a bad idea.
Färgglad = Colour-happy
Used when something is painted with a lot of different colours for example.
Brun som en pepparkaksgubbe = Brown as a ginger bread man
Is what a Swede is always aiming for when travelling abroad, you HAVE to come home "as brown as a ginger bread man" otherwise people will doubt that you have been away at all.
Lugn som en filbunke = Calm as the bowl you cultivate yoghurt in
Is simply used to describe an extremely calm person!'
Bära hundhuvudet = Carry the dog's head
The person who has to carry the dog's head is the person to blame for whatever reason.
Håll i hatten! = Hold on to the hat!
Used for when something big or exciting is about to happen, eg. Hold on to the hat, its all happening!
Killen hela dagen = The boy all day
If you are the boy all day, you are simply a great boy, good at everything! Who wouldn't want to be the boy all day??
Hej kom och hjälp mig! = Hello come and help me!
Is used for something thats really messy, eg, your mum would have told you repeatedly, "Come and clean your room NOW, it looks like hello come and help me!"
Jag är inte den som är den = I am not that person who is that person
This is sort of hard to explain. I guess we normally use it as an answer eg,
-Are you coming to town or not?
-Well yeah, im not that person who is that person.

Klart som korvspadAs clear as the left over water after boiling sausages
Is used when something is really obvious, eg, As clear as the left over water after boiling sausages, I'm coming to his party! (=Orcourse I'm coming to his party!)

Rund under fötterna = Round beneath the feet
This expression sort of explains itself. You get round underneath your feet when you are drinking too much alcoholic bevareges.

På något vänster = On something left
Essentially means "in one way or another" eg, It will be a bit tricky, but on something left we can do it!
Här blir det inga barn gjorda = It's not a great lot of child production going on here
Can for example be used in a too long coffe break at work, eg, its not a great lot of childproduction happening here, let's go back to work!

Grönsaker = Green things
Litterarily means vegetables

Solkatt = Sun cat
Which is a reflection created by for instance a watch on the wall. Ah, bring your arm down, your watch is creating sun cats in my eyes! haha!

Fun stuff! 
Maybe I should start to collect the english version and translate it into Swedish as well...


Postat av: Pege

Publicerad 2013-07-04 22:32:12

Idiomatiska uttryck. Inte idiotiska alltså, fastän dom kan verka idiotiska. Hur blir: dörren står på vid gavel?

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Flying high but staying grounded. Travelling, adventures, exploring and adrenaline is my life. I write about places most people want to visit but never do; and about my triathlon lifestyle. I live after: The distance between your dreams and reality is called action.



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